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Virtual Professional Development: Self-Care Series

October 17th, 9:00 AM

Handling Stress 

Stress is inevitable. Educators face many challenges, especially the desire to be the best for their students.  Unmanaged stress, however, can cause irreparable health issues. This module examines research findings that identify ways of handling stress communities by developing collaborative and decision-making skills and by using proven protocols for researching, planning and implementing lesson plans that get results.

November 14th, 9:00 AM

Taking Care of Your Well-Being

Taking care of your well-being goes beyond outward appearances. How you balance your physical, spiritual and emotional health, alongside your interactions with the world you live in will determine the success of your personal healthcare. In this session, learn how to tackle of all aspects of “you” to increase the likelihood that you stay well. Taking care of yourself is paramount to your success.

**Please use this link to register:

The login code will be emailed to registered participants prior to the training.

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